Photos from Annie, 2010
Act One

Acting Out Theatre's inaugural show was the Broadway classic, Annie. The old theatrical saying "never work with children or animals" turned out to be completely untrue in this instance. The 20 children (ranging from 5 up) and the dog (Mickey, a beautiful Golden Retriever) were wonderful additions to the cast and never caused any problems.

Acting Out received high praise from the general public for this show and we were blown away by the support that has been offered for future productions. 

The cast was amazing. It is the first show that any of the cast or crew has been involved in where there was no tension, unpleasantness or unkind behaviour. We have all become very close friends. It is going to be hard to ever find as close a cast as the Annie cast, but it remains an aim for all of us.

We hope you enjoy looking at the photos from our show.
Annie, Molly and Tessie dream about life with parents "Maybe"
Annie, Molly, Tessie and the orphans complain about their "Hard Knock Life"
"Hard Knock Life"
Miss Hannigan and Annie
Miss Hannigan flirts with Mr Bundles while the orphans help Annie sneak out in his laundry basket
Annie convinces a policeman not to impound Sandy.
Ever the optimist, Annie sings to Sandy about how she stays positive by dreaming about "Tomorrow"
The starving and homeless people in a "Hooverville" slum complain about their previous administration "We'd like to thank you Herbert Hoover".
Miss Hannigan struggles to cope with all the "Little Girls" in her care.
When Grace Farrell comes to the orphanage to find an orphan to spend a week with her billionaire boss, Mr Warbucks, Miss Hannigan is devastated that she chooses Annie.
Mr Warbucks' servants do everything they can to make Annie feel welcome and she decides she's "Gonna Like It Here!"
When Warbucks arrives home, he is unimpressed with Annie and goes about business as usual. However, Annie's charm, innocence and optimism gradually win him over and he agrees to take her into the city to show her around.
As Warbucks is reminded of how much he loves "NYC", Annie is overawed by the sights and sounds of the city that never sleeps.
The hustle and bustle of "NYC" prove to be overwhelming to a little girl and she falls asleep in Warbucks' arms.
Miss Hannigan's criminal brother, Rooster, and his new fling, Lily St Regis, show up. Together they dream about what life would be like if they were rich and could live on "Easy Street". The begin to conspire to kidnap Annie, in an attempt to hold Warbucks to ransom.
Warbucks becomes so taken with Annie, that he asks if he can adopt her. He is horrified when Annie breaks down and refuses. She has always dreamed of finding her real parents and can't bear the thought of giving up that dream. After the initial hurt, Warbucks swears to help her find them. He calls the FBI and promises Annie "You Won't be an Orphan for Long".